Nursery Rhymes

Leon Battista Alberti

Medieval life and Times

Short Biography about the life of Leon Battista Alberti
The following biography, short history and interesting facts provide helpful information for history courses and history coursework about the life and history of Leon Battista Alberti a famous Medieval artist and his contribution to Medieval art:

  • Country of Origin / Nationality: Italian

  • Also Known as: Leo or Leone Battista Alberti. "Universal man" of the Early Renaissance

  • Lifetime: 1404 - 1472

  • Born: He was born in Genoa on February 14, 1404

  • The family returned to their home in Florence in 1429

  • Family connections : Leon Battista Alberti  was the illegitimate son of a Florentine called Lorenzo Alberti

  • Childhood, early life and education: Leon Battista Alberti was well educated in Genoa and studied classics at the famous school of Gasparino Barzizza in Padua. His education continued when he was educated in law at the University of Bologna

  • Leon Battista Alberti books on architecture: De Pictura  was written in 1435 and De Re Aedificatoria in 1450

  • Architectural Principals: Leon Battista Alberti architectural principals were founded on the importance of painting as a base for architecture

  • Leon Battista Alberti and the Malatesta temple in Rimini: In 1450 the unfinished Malatesta temple (Tempio Malatestiano) was the first building that Leon Battista Alberti designed and attempted to construct based on his architectural principals.

  • Occupation and Career: His studies in Law ceased due to an illness when he became interested in art and architecture. He was an intellectual and famous as an accomplished cryptographer and writer. He was employed by Pope Nicholas V in the restoration of the papal palace and of the restoration of the Roman aqueduct of Acqua Vergine

  • Died: Leon Battista Alberti died in Rome on April 25, 1472

  • Character of Leon Battista Alberti:

  • Accomplishments and Achievements or why Leon Battista Alberti was famous: As an early Renaissance architect and artist. The architect of the Malatesta temple

Leon Battista Alberti
The story and biography of Leon Battista Alberti which contains interesting information, facts & the history about the life of this Medieval person of historical importance.

Leon Battista Alberti and the Malatesta temple:

  • Leon Battista Alberti and the Malatesta temple in Rimini: In 1450 the unfinished Malatesta temple (Tempio Malatestiano) was the first building that Leon Battista Alberti designed and attempted to construct based on his architectural principals

  • Leon Battista Alberti was commissioned to transform the Gothic church of S. Francesco, Rimini in 1450

  • It was to become a memorial to Sigismondo Malatesta and his wife Isotta

  • The church is usually known as the Tempio Malatestiano (Malatesta temple)

  • The Malatesta temple is famous for its classical triumphal arch a structure which was favored by Leon Battista Alberti

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