The colors were generally somewhat muted. The subject of Medieval architecture is also covered in this section. The following links provide facts and interesting information about Medieval Art and Architecture and the famous artists of the Middle ages: Medieval Art |
Types of Medieval Art |
Byzantine Art |
Romanesque Art |
Gothic Art |
Illuminated Manuscripts |
Early Christian Art |
Meaning of Colors in Christian Art |
Medieval Artists |
Medieval Women Artists |
Bayeux Tapestry |
Bayeux Tapestry Scenes |
Meaning of Flowers in Christian Art |
Meaning of Trees in Christian Art |
Medieval Literature |
Famous Artists |
Donatello |
Giotto |
Leon Battista Alberti |
Cimabue |
Filippo Brunelleschi |
Fra Angelico |
Lorenzo Ghiberti |
Hildegard of Bingen |
Medieval Architecture
Medieval Architecture |
Medieval Architecture Glossary of Terms |
Medieval Castle Architecture |
Medieval Architects |
Gargoyles |
Romanesque Architecture |
Characteristics of Romanesque Architecture |
Gothic Architecture |
History of Gothic Architecture |
Gothic Arch |
Different Types of Medieval Art
Medieval Life and Times Home |
Medieval Castles |
Medieval Weapons |
Medieval Clothing |
Medieval Knights |
Medieval Swords and Armor |
Medieval Religion |
Medieval Life |
Medieval Torture and Punishment |
Medieval Music |
Medieval Food |
Medieval History |
Medieval Women |
Crusades |
Medieval England |
Medieval Kings |
Famous Medieval People |